Sponsor knew, with confidence, which protocol amendments would accelerate enrollment
With many sites and a long enrollment period, the Sponsor needed upfront visibility into any factors that may be unnecessarily slowing enrollment.
The Sponsor had limited insight into potential enrollment issues. They were not able to see which inclusion/exclusion criteria was leading to pre-screen failures, and were not able to track the impact of any protocol amendments.
By deploying StudyTeamTM across their sites, the Sponsor’s clinical operations team was able to amass 600 patients worth of data in just 6 weeks.
StudyTeam automatically shares detailed, de-identified data from the sites with the sponsors in real time. This data includes pre-screen and screen failure reasons, and reporting on the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The team discovered that just a few of the criteria were causing the majority of pre-screen failures. 42% of patients had pre-screen failed due to inclusion criteria #4 and 19% failed due to inclusion criteria #7.
Real-time pre-screening analytics inform protocol amendments that make a difference
After careful analysis, the Sponsor determined that relaxing inclusion criteria #4, would not materially impact the study’s objectives. The team issued a protocol amendment.
All of the patients who pre-screen failed were still in StudyTeam. After the protocol amendment, the clinical teams were able to find and revisit those patients, accelerate enrollment, and dramatically exceed their timeline goals for this critical path study.
Using StudyTeam’s protocol amendment impact analysis report, the Sponsor was able to measure the impact of their actions on enrollment and see which inclusion/exclusion criteria amendments would further accelerate enrollment. This data also helped them with their future protocol designs.
Patient Log Tracking
Sites automatically share de-identified pre-screen and screen failure reasons with the sponsor to more quickly identify any barriers to enrollment.
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria Analysis
Sponsors can isolate which criteria are causing the most pre-screen and screen failures, and which changes would have the greatest impact on enrollment.
Protocol Amendment Impact Analysis
Once a protocol amendment has been implemented, sponsors can measure its impact and use that information to guide future protocol designs.
Gain insights and control that you’ve never had before. A clinical trial enrollment software that both sponsors and sites will love.
OneStudyTeam, a member of the Reify Health portfolio, provides the cloud-based platform StudyTeam to accelerate the development of new and life-saving therapies. StudyTeam brings research site workflows online and enables sites, sponsors, and other key stakeholders to work together more effectively using common technology. The suite of StudyTeam solutions reduces site burden and helps sites pre-screen and enroll more patients, provides sponsors with end-to-end visibility into recruitment activity across all channels, and guides sites in conducting the trial for patients who have been enrolled. StudyTeam is trusted by the largest global biopharmaceutical companies, used in more than 6,000 research sites, and is available in over 100 countries.
One mission. One team. That’s OneStudyTeam.
33 Arch Street 17th Floor Boston, MA 02110
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